Complex systems and software engineering
Mobility and transport
Laboratoire d'Ingénérie des Systèmes de Versailles
Research unit
The research conducted at LISV focuses on robotics, mechanics, automation and instrumentation. The Interactive Robotics team mainly studies interactive robotized systems intended for human assistance and service (handicap, silver economy). The Instrumentation and Modelling of Advanced systems and nanosystems team focuses on advanced systems (melding electronics, optics, mechanics and control). Thanks to those teams, the lab can control the chain in its entirety : modelling - simulation - conception - system command. This expertise allows LISV to be an important partner and active member of the VEDECOM ITE and several competitivity poles such as Mov'eo and AeroSpace Valley.
Innovation themes
- Digital
- Instrumentation, electronics, robotics and cobotics
- Complex systems and software engineering
- Telecom, converged network, fixed and mobile, internet of things
- Intelligent vehicles (mechatronics, optics, etc.)
- Modelling and simulation
- Mobility and transport
- Digital modelling, data visualisation, Human - Machine Interaction
- Interface, communicating system, ICT
- Photonics - optical materials, application nanotechnology
- Mobility and sustainable infrastructure
- Embedded systems, critical systems
10-12, avenue de l'Europe
Pôle Scientifique et Technologique de Vélizy
78140 VÉLIZY
- automation
- biomimetic conception
- mecatronics
- command
- human assistance oriented robotics
- multiscale systems
- instrumentation of nano-systems
- Li-Fi
- electronic systems
- metrology
- sensor instrumentation
Applications sectors
- IT / software
- Networks / Telecom
- Automotive industry
- Electronic / photonics
- Materials (Metal, Glass, Ceramic, Composite...)
- Personal services / services to individuals
Total number of employees
Number of researchers : 30
Number of doctoral students : 36
Equipment(s) open to collaboration
- Vicon camera system (6 camera rig for 3D movement tracking)
- Infrared ellipsometer
- Visible ellipsometer
- Zygo interferometer
- Atomic Force Microscope
- ESPEC Climate-control chamber (ARL-O680)
Valuation offer
- Communication par phares - 2009 - n°0958694
- Method for controlling humanoid robot - 2010 - n°PCT/EP2010/056125
- Food for humanoid robot - 2009 - n°FR20080053713
Patents from the Interactive Robotics team can be found on http://www.lisv.uvsq.fr/lisv-laboratoire-d-ingenierie-des-systemes-de-versailles/langue-fr/recherche/robotique-interactive-ri-/presentation-ri-235928.kjsp?RH=1305189824641
- PLEIA : software tool allowing the evalutation of handicapped people's ability to interact with computer interfaces. More info at http://www.pleia.uvsq.fr/
Projects examples
- VEDECOM Project (ITE)
- MOVEROTREV Project (with ADEME) : sensors and induction
- ROMEO 2 Project(PSPC) : robotics
- ANR PNANO-PONAME : nanometrology
- Mobility Motivator (european project) : mobility help for people in handicapped situations
Industrial and scientific relations
Scientific collaborations
- Joint PhDs: 9 Africa (TUT), 3 North America, 2 South America, 1 Australia, 1 Japan, 1 Middle East, 5 Europe (Germany, UK)
- Co-directed PhDs: 3 Africa, 1 North America, 7 Middle East (Lebanon), 4 Asia (China, Taiwan)
- Collaboration and exchange conventions: 2 Africa, 3 North America, 3 Asia
Private collaborations
- industrial research chairs : BIA, Valeo (MATINNOV), OLEDCOMM
- collaborations with several companies (robotics, motor industry, etc).
- start-up OLEDCOMM created within the laboratory in 2012.