Aeronautics - Aerospace - Defence
Chemistry - Materials
Complex systems and software engineering
Energy, Ecology, Environment
JANNuS-Orsay experimental hall - Jumelage d'Accélérateurs pour les Nanosciences et la Simulation pour le Nucléaire
Technological platform
JANNuS-Orsay is one of the two sites of JANNuS, and a part of the MOSAIC ion beam platform of IJCLab. Its specificities are the large diversity of ions and energies available for irradiations and ion implantations of materials, characterizations of materials by ion beam analysis, and the coupling of a Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM) with two ion accelerators, a quasi-unique tool in the world due to the large diversity of ions and energies available, allowing in situ characterizations at the nanometric scale of structural and chemical modifications induced in a solid by ion irradiation/implantation with one or two simultaneous ion beams.
Innovation themes
Lab of attachment
Building 108, MOSAIC, IJCLab
Bâtiment 108, JANNuS-SCALP
91405 Orsay
In situKeywords
Types de prestations
- Services
Offres de prestations
Offres de formations
Establishments of affiliation
- IN2P3 Platform