• Energy, Ecology, Environment
  • Mobility and transport
  • Social - Societal - Solidarity Innovation

Center for Research on Environment and Development (CIRED)

Research unit


The research conducted at the International Center for Research on Environment and Development (CIRED) aims to understand how environmental issues and economic development can articulate for sustainable development of our societies. For this, three main areas are studied: energy, urban and rural infrastructure (buildings, transport, water networks) and agricultural and forestry activities. To carry out this research, the CIRED teams are multidisciplinary and combine skills in social sciences, natural sciences and engineering sciences to model the evolution of economic systems according to environmental factors, policies, infrastructures, etc. The center has also developed strong links with industry and institutions (Chair, IPCC participation, etc.).


  • Mr Franck LECOCQ

Innovation themes

Map and access

45 bis, avenue de la Belle Gabrielle
Campus du Jardin Tropical

Our research areas


Energy supply and energy demand:
- governance and networks of electrical industries
- policies and development of renewable energy sources (EnR)
- energy Demand, Tax Reform and Equity

Agriculture, water and land use:
- agriculture and developement
- management of water resources
- risk and Climate variability
- land-use changes, global environmental changes and biodiversity

Climate change and development strategies:
- climate change mitigation
- adaptation to climate change
- climate negotiations and institutional issues

Sustainable cities and territories:
- development of urban ecosystems
- transport and mobility
- offset policies and local communities

Biodiversity, ecosystems and natural capital
- development and ecosystem conservation
- ecosystem services assessment
- biodiversity conservation policies

Applications sectors

  • Construction / Architecture / Urban planning / Real Estate
  • Other business
  • Agriculture
  • Administration / Public sector
  • Personal services / services to individuals

Total number of employees

Total number of employees : 78
Number of researchers : 52
Number of doctoral students : 26


Our results

Valuation offer

Prospective modeling:
- integrated modeling: IMACLIM
- RESPONSE and NEDUM models
- Systemic modeling: SMA, GIS

Statistics and econometrics :
- data base
- statistics and econometric treatments:
+ statistical advice on demand provided by Franck Nadaud to guide and advise researchers in their needs
+ an axis of maintenance and the archiving of public data sources on the one hand as part of the modeling platform and the Poseidon server installed and maintained by Patrice Dumas, and on the other hand two databases maintained by Franck Nadaud: the first on the consumption of motor fuels in France since 1960 (Carbeco base), the second on the history of energy prospects since 1945.
+ training and development of applications on demand on software

Projects examples

- BNRE (2017-2019): Bifurcations in Natural Resources Economics (1920s-1930s). Responsable : Antoine MISSEMER
- VITE ! (2014-2019): Villes et transitions énergétiques : enjeux, leviers, processus et évaluation prospective pluridisciplinaire. Application à la Région Île-de-France. Responsable : Vincent VIGUIE
- SAFRAN (2015-2019): Scénarios d'Aménagement de la FRANge littorale et du milieu marin : Une prospective intégrée du socioécosistème de Parc Naturel Marin du Golfe du Lion. Responsable : Catherine BOEMARE
- DRAGON (2014-2018): Dynamics of Green Growth in European and Chinese Cities. Responsable : Vincent VIGUIE
- HOPE (2014-2018): Household preferences for rudicing greenhouse gas Emission in four European Hogh Income Countries. Responsable : Carine BARBIER
- London School of Economics (2015-2018): Policies to finance energy effciency : an applied welfare assessment. Responsable : Louis-Gaëtan GIRAUDET


Industrial and scientific relations

Scientific collaborations

- France: LOCEAN-IPSL, CMA, I4CE, LVMT, IDDRI, Météo France
- Europe: PIK, Wuppertal Institute, IIASA, FEEM, London School of Economics, ENEA, SEI, IASS
- International: IGES (Japan), World Bank (USA), Bariloche Foundation (Argentina), COPPE (Brasil)

Private collaborations

EDF, GRTgaz, Schneider Electric, ADEME, Renault


Establishments of affiliation