• Digital
  • Social - Societal - Solidarity Innovation

Synergies Languages Art and Music (SLAM)

Research unit


The SLAM Laboratory, directed by Brigitte Gauthier, was created after the merger of the RASM laboratory and the SCRIPT program (Scriptwriters Creator Performers Translators) in January 2013.

The laboratory is designing research projects related to Languages, Arts and Music, hence the name: Synergies Languages Arts Music. Trainings are held in the two departments : the Arts and Music Department and the Language Department.


  • Mrs Brigitte GAUTHIER

Innovation themes

Map and access

1, rue Pierre Bérégovoy
91025 ÉVRY

Our research areas


- Screenwriters
- Creators
- Directors
- Interpreters
- Performers
- Translators

RASM (Research Arts Shows Music)
- artistic engineering
- aesthetics
- musicology
- history of instrument techniques
- interpretation technique

IM studies the socio-political issues of arts and culture in an interdisciplinary and intercultural perspective under the responsibility of Damien Ehrhardt who prepares projects with the Humboldt France Association and the IDA.

Applications sectors

  • IT / software
  • Other business
  • Art / Culture
  • Administration / Public sector
  • Education / Training
  • Tourism / Accommodation / Catering
  • Media / Communication / Publishing / Events
  • Personal services / services to individuals

Total number of employees

Total number of employees : 47
Number of researchers : 20
Number of doctoral students : 23

Equipment(s) open to collaboration

- Platform Game BoyTransmedia story telling of scientific research at Saclay, gaming
- « SLAM RISKS » Platform Multilingual Terminology of Risks (climate, environment, terrorism)


Our results

Valuation offer

know-how: story telling, gaming, translation, subtitling, communication, events, concerts, exhibition, festival, jury script / film, production mini-movie tutorial, documentary

Projects examples

- Music and Nation
- Fidelio
- Languages: Participation in the World Congresses of Traductology
(Summer universities translation of SEPIE + soft)
- Transmedia Refugee Project
- Cinéma Populaire
- Cinéma Narco
- Projet Traces

Industrial and scientific relations

Scientific collaborations

France: Humboldt Foundation, Cambridge Society of Paris, Columbia Club of France, Heidelberg Alumni, SAES, AFEA, CICLAHO, RADAC, IETT, ACD, MFI, IDA, CILECT, UNESCO-AICA, SoFT, SEPTET, ENSEII
- Europe: DAAD, ESIST, SCRIPT, MFI (Mediterranean Film Institute / media)
- International: University Guadalajara, University Alicante, University Malaga, University Valencia, Castellon University, UAB, Ricardo Palma University (Lima, Peru), Socially Relevant Film Festival (New York), Freie University Berlin, MIT Boston, Columbia University

Private collaborations

Zero Ganes, Billat Training, Machete, Arte Mecanica


Establishments of affiliation