Quality of life - Health - Food
SayFood / Halle technologique Procédés Aliments (SayFood UMR AgroParisTech INRAE)
Technological platform
The Halle Technologique Procédés Aliments is equipped with about 50 instrumented pilot plants for studying food process engineering. It is currently located on 2 sites in Ile-de-France:
- At Grignon: separation-fractionation pilots (distillation, membrane contactors, vapour permeation), freeze-drying, fermentation, cheese-making equipment and instrumented and controlled maturation chambers.
- At Massy: filtration pilots (frontal, tangential), electrodialysis, evaporation, ion exchange chromatography, drying (of liquids (atomisation, on heating cylinder), of solids (hot air, superheated steam), grinding, crystallisation, extrusion, frying, thermo-mechanical processing line and aseptic packaging, plus a Plateau Francilien d'Etudes Céréalières (FRECE) with a dough preparation workshop and a baking workshop.
Innovation themes
Lab of attachment
22 place de l'Agronomie
Campus Agro Paris-Saclay, UMR SAYFOOD