Chemistry - Materials
Complex systems and software engineering
Energy, Ecology, Environment
Quality of life - Health - Food
Social - Societal - Solidarity Innovation
Réseau National de Spectrométrie de Masse FT-ICR à très haut champ
Research unit
The federation provides the French community with several FT-ICR mass spectrometry instruments along with its associated skilled network. The objective of the federation is to consolidate the scientific community in this field by ensuring the methodological, instrumental and computer development.
Innovation themes
- Energy, Ecology, Environment
- Instrumentation, electronics, robotics and cobotics
- Complex systems and software engineering
- Quality of life - Health - Food
- Chemistry - Materials
- Environment, energy and food
- Social - Societal - Solidarity Innovation
- Climate (observation - monitoring), environmental management, eco system
- Mineral (materials, nanomaterials)
- Organic (heavy, fine)
- Physical chemistry (electrochemistry, thermochemistry...)
- Therapeutic technologies (drugs, genetics, biomarkers, biomolecules, etc.)
- Analytical chemistry
- Food safety and quality
- proteomic analysis
- material science
- environmental analysis
Applications sectors
- Biotechnology
- Health / wellness
- Other industry
- Chemistry / Plastics (Glue, Plastic, Rubber...)
- Materials (Metal, Glass, Ceramic, Composite...)
Equipment(s) open to collaboration
Six mass spectrometry platforms:
- Bruker SolariX XR 9.4 T, h-Q-h au LCM (X)
- Bruker hybride APEX, 7 T, h-Q-h au LCP (UPSaclay)
- IonSpec (Agilent), 9,4 T hybride en mode ESI q-Q-q au LMSCL (UL)
- Bruker SolariX XR 7 T, h-Q-h au IPCM (SU)
- Bruker SolariX XR 12 T, h-Q-h au COBRA (URouen)
- Bruker hybride APEX, 9,4 T, h-Q-h au MSAP (USTL)
Valuation offer
Projects examples
Industrial and scientific relations
Scientific collaborations
Ecole polytechnique, Université Paris-Saclay, Université de Lorraine, Université Sorbonne, Université de Rouen, Université de Lille
Private collaborations
- collaboration with several companies in the energy and oil sectors, cosmetics and pharmaceutical industries, toxicological and environmental analyzes, film studios