• Mobility and transport
  • Social - Societal - Solidarity Innovation

PRINTEMPS (Professions, Institutions, Temporalities)

Research unit


Created in 1995, the laboratory PRINTEMPS (Professions, Institutions, Temporalities) is a mixed research unit consisting of two guardianships the UVSQ and the CNRS. The laboratory team is made up of sociologists, political scientists and demographers who use various methodologies (quantitative and qualitative).
The research carried out within the PRINTEMPS laboratory favors two major themes:
- Professional worlds: commitments, knowledge, expertise
- Careers and temporalities: socialization and trajectories


  • Mr Laurent WILLEMEZ

Innovation themes

Map and access

47, boulevard Vauban
Bâtiment Vauban

Our research areas


- Sociology of work and professions,
- Public action,
- Social and health policies,
- Sociology of science and quantification,
- Sociology of precariousness and social work,
- Sociology of law and justice,
- Gender and socialization,
- Sociology of mobility and transport

Applications sectors

  • Other business
  • Health / wellness
  • Automotive industry
  • Transportation / Logistics
  • Art / Culture
  • Administration / Public sector
  • Personal services / services to individuals
  • Railway industry

Total number of employees

Total number of employees : 84
Number of researchers : 31
Number of doctoral students : 33


Our results

Valuation offer

Know-how: Follow-up of cohorts, interviews, questionnaires, observation, statistical data processing, analysis of documentaries

Projects examples

- ELAP: Longitudinal study on the empowerment of young people after placement (questionnaire and interviews with young people placed in the care of children)
- ANR VENIROMOND: Study of gender socializations in early childhood
- ANR REGMEDPROV: International comparison of care regulation policies in Germany, France, England and Sweden
- ANR FICOPSAD: Study of Home Support Services for the Elderly in France and Quebec
- Research in partnership with La Poste on developments in the postman profession
- Research in partnership with the Ministry of Justice on the career paths of magistrates (1990-2017)

Industrial and scientific relations

Scientific collaborations

- France: Ministry of Labor, Ministry of Justice, CNES, INED, INSEE, ADEME
- Europe: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, University of Louvain-la-Neuve
- International: National School of Public Administration (Quebec), UQAM, University of Montreal, University of Shanghai, Federal University of Sao Carlos (UFSCar in Brazil)

Private collaborations

La Poste, Orange, SNCF


Establishments of affiliation