Quality of life - Health - Food
Plateforme analytique (GMPA)
Technological platform
The analytical platform of the UMR Génie et Microbiologie des Procédés Alimentaires GMPA 782 develops methods and provides its expertise for the study of the volatilome and metabolome in order to characterise foods and natural or processed bioproducts. It participates in the research programmes of the GENIAL and GMPA UMRs (future joint SAYFOOD UMR in 2020), collaborates with the other units that will be joining the AgroParisTech campus in Saclay (ECOSYS, BIOGER, etc.) and is open to private players through research or service contracts. It assists its partners in the definition, implementation, execution and interpretation of experiments. The team includes a research engineer, two design engineers, an assistant engineer and a technician. The analytical equipment is composed of gas or liquid chromatographs coupled to specific detectors or to unit or high resolution mass spectrometry, a proton transfer reaction mass spectrometer and infrared spectrometers. Extraction-concentration systems adapted to our objects of study are available to treat complex matrices.
Innovation themes
1, avenue Lucien Bretignières
UMR 782 INRA / AgroParisTechSite de Grignon, Bâtiment CBAI