• Quality of life - Health - Food

Institute for Stem cell Therapy and Exploration of Monogenic diseases

Research unit


I-Stem is the largest French laboratory for research and development dedicated to human pluripotent stem cells, of embryonic origin or obtained by reprogramming gene. The specific vocation of I-Stem is to explore all the therapeutic potential of human pluripotent stem cells for applications in patients affected by rare diseases of genetic origin. In this context, our teams are developing two major areas of research. The first one is cell therapy, which aims to replace lost or diseased cells to other cells with the same characteristics, produced in the laboratory from pluripotent stem cells. The second area is pharmacology based on automated screening of large libraries of compounds with therapeutic potential, following modeling of molecular mechanisms associated with diseases, as revealed by the study of pluripotent stem cells from affected donors. I-Stem teams are currently working on a dozen genetic diseases that affect different organs. The Institute also hosts every year many researchers interested in other diseases and provides training and technology support.


  • Mr Raymond ZAKHIA

Innovation themes

Map and access

2, rue Henri Desbruères

Our research areas


- genetics
- stem cell
- monogenic diseases

Applications sectors

  • Biotechnology
  • Other business

Total number of employees

Total number of employees : 62
Number of researchers : 51
Number of doctoral students : 5

Equipment(s) open to collaboration

- cell automated amplification
- High Troughput Screening
- cell imaging


Our results

Projects examples

- MYOMET : clinical trial on Steinert's diease

- PACE (Pioneer Advanced Cell Therapy Epidermics) : performed in collaboration with the AP / HP, this project is intended to evaluate the potential of epidermal stem grafts derived from embryonic stem cells for the treatment of cutaneous ulcers associated with sickle cell disease

-STREAM : conducted in close collaboration with the Institute of Vision, this project aims to evaluate first, the potential of transient retinal pigment epithelium grafts produced from embryonic cells and secondarily of pluripotency-induced cells for the treatment of retinitis pigmentosa of genetic origin and atrophic AMD.


Establishments of affiliation