• Chemistry - Materials
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ICP / SpICy : SpectroImageries et Cytométrie

Technological platform


The SpICy platform brings together a set of microscopes and a multi-laser cytometer for various UV-visible fluorescence spectro-analysis and cellular spectro-imaging studies. Some of these devices operate in service mode, others are in collaborative access or on demand.
The flow cytometer allows high-throughput analysis of the spectral and morphological properties of individual cells from approximately 0.5 to 100 µm. It allows multiparametric characterisation of the fluorescence properties of cell populations (4 lasers, 8 parameters).
BIFLUOR is a scanning confocal microscope equipped for fluorescence decay imaging (FLIM-TCSPC), combined with camera intensity images and a fibre spectrometer for analysis of emission spectra. It is used in particular for FRET imaging applications in living cells.
The SpICy platform also integrates two full-field fluorescence microscopes for multicolour analysis (Flora) and analysis of excitation spectra (Mona). These microscopes are equipped for video microscopy at room temperature or 37°C.
The laboratory has all the infrastructure necessary for the manipulation of prokaryotic and mammalian cells (notably the L2 culture laboratory and the autoclave). The staff of the Institute of Physical Chemistry helps to set up protocols and analyses on these instruments.


  • Mr Hadrien JALABER

Innovation themes

Lab of attachment

Map and access

15, rue Jean Perrin
Institut de Chimie Physique (ICP)
91405 ORSAY

Formations offers

Offres de formations
