• Quality of life - Health - Food

I2BC / Plateau technique Expression de protéines solubles ou membranaires en levures

Technological platform


The technical platform provides access to different equipment (fermenters, mills, etc.) for the expression and purification of specific protein targets, transmembrane proteins using Saccharomyces cerevisiae or the methylotrophic yeast Pichia pastoris for the preparation of secreted proteins rich in disulphide bridges. This expertise is located on two sites, at the Protein and Membrane Systems Laboratory I2BC/Joliot Institute, CEA Saclay and at the Function and Architecture of Macromolecular Assemblies Laboratory I2BC, Orsay Faculty of Sciences. This platform is part of the I2BC's Structural Biology platforms, which include: i) the Crystallization, NMR, CryoEM, Macromolecular Interaction Measurements platforms, and ii) the technical platforms for Soluble or Membrane Protein Expression in Yeast, Protein Expression in Insect Cells and Structural Bioinformatics.


  • Mr Cédric MONTIGNY
  • Mrs Karine BLONDEAU

Innovation themes

Lab of attachment

Map and access

CEA/DRF/JOLIOT, CEA Paris-Saclay, I2BC@SACLAY, SB2SM and I2BC (UMR 9198)

Formations offers

Offres de formations
