• Energy, Ecology, Environment

GENOSCOPE / Plate-forme de Séquençage - Genopole

Technological platform


The Genoscope has focused on the study of biodiversity through the de novo sequencing of large complete genomes, complex metagenomes and, more generally, DNA collections requiring a very large-scale sequencing approach.
The sequencing laboratory team is involved in the handling of projects from the receipt of samples to the validation of raw sequences. Sequencing is carried out by second generation very high throughput sequencers. These machines enable a throughput that allows the sequencing of entire genomes in a limited time interval.


  • Mr Pedro OLIVEIRA

Innovation themes

Lab of attachment

Map and access

2, rue Gaston Crémieux
CEA Paris-Saclay, site d'Evry, GENOSCOPE / Génomique métabolique du Génoscope, UMR 8030
91057 ÉVRY

Formations offers

Offres de formations



  • GENOPS (Réseau des plateformes de GENOmique Paris-Saclay)

Graduate schools
