Quality of life - Health - Food
GENOPOLE / Plate-forme d'imagerie cytométrie OCCIGEN
Technological platform
The OCCIGEN imaging-cytometry platform offers access to state-of-the-art equipment and associated expertise for multi-scale molecular and pathophysiological exploration, from the isolated cell to the small animal (rodent), using photonic imaging and flow cytometry techniques in an L2 environment. Concerning imaging, many microscopes are available: STED nanoscope, confocal, light sheet, slide scanner, quantitative phase, time-lapse systems, etc. For flow cytometry, several high speed sorters/cloners are available as well as multicolor cytometers/analyzers, a spectral cytometer and a flow image cytometer. The imaging-cytometry platform also has a wide range of data analysis software.
Innovation themes
5, rue Henri Desbruères
91030 ÉVRY