• Complex systems and software engineering
  • Energy, Ecology, Environment

Département de Physique Nucléaire (DPhN)

Research unit


DPhN, the nuclear physics department, is one of the five departments of the Institute of Research into the Fundamental Laws of the Universe (Irfu). Nuclear physics is the flagship research area of this department, which focuses on four areas of research: quark and gluon plasma, nucleon structure, nucleus structure and nuclear reactions. The department also develops support activities in safety and radiation protection through the laboratory of nuclear expertise in nuclear design and decommissioning. The balance between the different lines of research and the applications is an important factor of dynamism for this structure. The department applies its knowledge and expertise to measurements and modeling for topics related to nuclear energy, the design and decommissioning of facilities (accelerators, reactors).


  • Mr Franck SABATIE

Innovation themes

Map and access

CEA - Saclay

Our research areas


- study and characterization of quark and gluon plasma
- hadronic physics: study of the nucleon spin structure
- low energy nuclear structure: exotic nuclei, heavy / superheavy nuclei, deformed nuclei
- basic studies of nuclear reactions: fission, spallation, capture reactions and properties of beta decay particles (reactor neutrinos)

Applications sectors

  • Other business
  • Electronic / photonics

Total number of employees

Total number of employees : 64
Number of researchers : 49
Number of doctoral students : 16

Equipment(s) open to collaboration

Laboratory works for graduate students: http://irfu.cea.fr/Phocea/Page/index.php?id=656


Our results

Valuation offer

- experimental developments: development of pixelated and curved detectors

Projects examples

The DPhN is involved in about 30 international projects http://irfu.cea.fr/Sphn/Phocea/Vie_des_labos/Ast/index.php?aff=technique

Industrial and scientific relations

Scientific collaborations

- France: TGIR (CERN, GANIL), CNES, institutes of CNRS (INSU and IN2P3)
- Europe: european intergovernmental organisations (CERN, ESA, ESO), european coordinations (APEC, NUPECC, ASTRONET), Germany (DESY, GSI), Spain (CIEMAT), Italy (INFN, ENEA)
- International: TGIR (FAIR, XFEL, IFMIF, ESO observatories, ESA spatial observatories), USA (FERMILAB, JLAB, Stanford and NASA), Canada (SNOLAB), Japan (KEK, JAEA et RIKEN), Israel (Soreq NRC, affiliated to IAEC)


Establishments of affiliation