• Aeronautics - Aerospace - Defence
  • Complex systems and software engineering
  • Digital
  • Quality of life - Health - Food

Automated Production Research Laboratory

Research unit


The research carried out at LURPA is focused on the safe command of systems involving discrete events, product creation and fabrication processes. The main subjects investigated include the modelling and command of poly-articulated systems, shape geometry acquisition processes, and algebric approach used in formal analysis. LURPA takes part in many partnerships with both industry-leading corporations (Airbus, EDF...) and smaller companies (Missler software, Spring Technology, Lithias) in domains ranging from transportation to software, health, and energy production.


  • Mr Olivier BRUNEAU

Innovation themes

Lab of attachment

Map and access

4, avenue des Sciences
91190 Gif-sur-Yvette

Our research areas


- identification of systems involving discrete events
- safety of automated systems
- location tracking within the home environment, behavior analysis
- optimal numerical command of articulated mechanical structures (5 axis machining , industrial machinery)
- multi-scale modelling of machining processes
- shape acquisition

Applications sectors

  • Biotechnology
  • Health / wellness
  • Aeronautics / Aerospace
  • Automotive industry
  • Mechanics
  • Automation, machinery / Robotics

Total number of employees

Total number of employees : 31
Number of researchers : 14
Number of doctoral students : 13

Equipment(s) open to collaboration

Academics and industry:
- additive manufacturing machine FormUp 350
- high speed 5 axis machining Mikron
- anthropomorphic 6 axis robot Kuka et ABB
- tracking system Creaform
- optical numerisation sensor Kreon Aquilon et GOM Atos-Core
- 3D measuring machine
- surface topography optical measurement by chromatic variation STIL
- didactic production chain


Our results

Projects examples

- LoCoMaCHS, projet du FP7 (2012/2016)
- ANGEL : FUI 7 Systém@tic Astech VIAMECA (09/2012 to 09/2014)
- QuickGPS, FUI 7 Pôle Systém@tic Astech (09/2009 - 12/2012)
- USINE NUMERIQUE 2, FUI 3 Pôle Systém@tic Astech (09/2007-07/2009)
- ANR TESTEC : 01/03/08 to 31/08/11
- ANR VACSIM : 1/10/2011 to 31/03/2015 (42 months)
- BGLE CONNEXION : 12/10/2012 to 11/04/2016 (48 months)

Industrial and scientific relations

Scientific collaborations

- France: Sympa Team from CRAN, University of Lorraine, AC SED team from IRCCyN, Sysmo team from LIX - École Polytechnique, IRSTEA, University of Bordeaux, LABOMAP, CentraleSupelec, Arts et Métiers ParisTech, LNE, CMLA, LMT
- Europe: Chair of Engineering Design, Friedrich Alexander University Erlangen-Nurember 5germany), Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, University of Cagliari, Dipartimento di Informatica, University del Piemonte Orientale (Italy)
- International: Team SED, Unité Guadalajara du Cinvestav (Mexico), Automation research group, University of Chalmers (Sweden), Laboratoire de recherche en Fabrication Virtuelle, École Polytechnique de Montréal (Canada), University of Tsinghua, University of Beihang, University of Technologie de Pékin (China), Laboratoire des Machines Hydrauliques, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (Switzerland), Unité de recherche de mécanique des solides, des structures et de développement technologique de l'Ecole Supérieure des Sciences et Techniques de Tunis (Tunisia), Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Massachusetts (USA)

Private collaborations

Collaboration with several major national and international companies


Establishments of affiliation