• Quality of life - Health - Food

Animal genetics and integrative biology (GABI)

Research unit


GABI's scientific orientations are aimed at understanding and exploiting the genetic variability of animals to analyze the construction of phenotypes, interactions with microbial ecosystems and the wider environment, in an agro-ecological transition context. Among his priorities:
- Refine the knowledge of animal genomes, epigenomes and microbiomes and their interactions.
- Study functions related to adaptation traits, health, welfare, reproduction, and trade-offs of these with production traits.
- Develop tools and methods to promote efficient and sustainable livestock farming
- Characterize and manage animal biodiversity, a source of adaptability for future generations.
Founding member of the Paris Saclay Animal Sciences Institute ( SAPS ), the GABI unit is organized into seven research teams and one platform team.
GABI develops its research with projects in collaboration with various academic partners, companies and organizations of animal sectors. The unit is labeled by the Institut Carnot ( France Future Elevage ) and coordinates the national infrastructure CRB-Anim.



Innovation themes

Map and access

Domaine de Vilvert

Our research areas


- genetic variability and character variation
- genes dynamics, genomes and populations
- performance prediction

Applications sectors

  • Fishing / Aquaculture
  • Biotechnology
  • Health / wellness
  • Agri-food industry
  • Agriculture

Total number of employees

Total number of employees : 180
Number of researchers : 45
Number of doctoral students : 20

Equipment(s) open to collaboration

Academics and industry:
- platform: BRIDGe: animal biological resources for integrated and digital genomics
- histology tray
- transmission electron microscopy
- 1 DNA extractor (Chemagic STAR)
- 2 laser microdissection systems (VERITAS and XT)
- 1 light and fluorescent background scanner for the production of virtual blades (09-2014
- 1 tissue inclusion system and a vacuum tissue processing machine (LEICA)
- 2 ultramicrotomes
- 1 Zeiss electron microscope


Our results

Projects examples

- project 1000 bovine genomes
- sequencing of the rabbit genome: how the wild rabbit became domestic...
- genome capture of a bovine parasite
- inventory of microRNAs in equine tissues
- better understanding the resistance to viral diseases in fish
- major histocompatibility complex in pigs

Industrial and scientific relations

Scientific collaborations

- France : Cirad, CEA, CNRS, Ecoles nationales agronomique et vétérinaires, IFREMER, INSERM, IFCE

Private collaborations

- France Génétique Elevage (FGE), Institut de l'Elevage (Idele), Allice (anciennement UNCEIA), Institut Français du Cheval et de l'équitation (IFCE), le SYSAAF (rassemblement de PME avicole et aquacole)
- animal industrials and sectors


Establishments of affiliation