Complex systems and software engineering
Accélérateur Linéaire et Tandem à Orsay (ALTO)
Technological platform
The ALTO facility consists mainly of two accelerators: an electrostatic machine MP of 15 MeV tandem and a 50 MeV electron linear accelerator. ALTO thus offers the possibility of producing, at the same location, aggregate beams for interdisciplinary physics, stable and radioactive beams for astrophysics and nuclear physics, as well as single-energy neutron beams of a few MeV. The facility also houses two R&D and fabrication laboratories for uranium carbide targets (UCx) and thin films. It has a laser platform, on-line and off-line isotope separators, test benches for stable sources, and ten experimental lines.
The beams provided are dedicated to a wide range of physics programmes from nuclear structure to atomic physics, cluster physics, biology, nanotechnology and industrial services.
Innovation themes
Lab of attachment
15, rue Georges Clémenceau
ICJlab, Campus universitaire d'Orsay
91405 ORSAY
Types de prestations
- R&D Collaboration
- Services
Offres de prestations
Offres de formations
- IN2P3 Platform
- Réseau européen ENSAR2