• Complex systems and software engineering
  • Digital
  • Quality of life - Health - Food
  • Social - Societal - Solidarity Innovation

Complexité, innovations, activités motrices et sportives (CIAMS)

Research unit None


Research conducted in CIAMS is structured in two teams : Human Movement, Adaptation and Sports Performance (MHAPS) and Sports, Politics, and Social Transformations (SPOTS), about various themes : motor performance, physiology and biomechanics, analysis of performance factors, nutritional strategies linked to sports practice, motor control and coordinations, the intake of pharmacological substances effects, optimization of work retraining among pathological populations, organization of public policies, ...
This research is supported by many facilities (Technology Platform) dedicated to human analysis, located on different places. The societal implications in terms of psychology, sociology and ergonomics (human-machine interactions, sports equipment, etc.) are carried out with academic organizations (mainly with Demenÿ-Vaucanson Federation), and made possible by economics partnership (IBM, ...).


  • Mr Michel-Ange AMORIM

Innovation themes

Map and access

Rue Pierre de Coubertin

Our research areas


- environmental, physiological and psychological constraints on posture/movement coordination
- control laws and musculo-skeletal system of human motricity
- modeling and simulation of human and humanoid movements
- bio-inspired artificial human and human-machine interactions
- sensorimotor deficiency and rehabilitation
- intra and interindividual strategies in emotional and cognitive adaptations studies
- physical practice for health and sports performance
- nutrition, health
- sports marketing
- public policies and sports organizations strategies

Applications sectors

  • Biotechnology
  • Health / wellness
  • Personal services / services to individuals

Total number of employees

Total number of employees : 95
Number of researchers : 50
Number of doctoral students : 45

Equipment(s) open to collaboration

Academic and industrial:
- 16 Oqus 5 cameras (Qualisys) and 1 associated analog acquisition system
- 10 Optitrack cameras (Natural point)
- 1 exoskeleton ABLE 4 axes (Haption)
- 2 Trakstar tracking systems (Ascension Technology)
- 1 Phantom Omni force feedback arm (Immersion)
- 1 Metamax system (Cortex)
- 1 Metalyseur 3B system (Cortex)
- 1 oximetry system by spectroscopy
- 1 Monark ergocycle (Matsport)
- 1 conveyor belt (Lode-Valiant)
- 1 PowerLab data acquisition system (AdInstrument)
- 3 force platforms 1200*600 mm (AMTI)
- 1 eye tracker Eyelink 1000 (SR Research)
- 1 eye tracker glasses (TOBII)
- 1 wireless EMG channel (COMETA)
- 1 64-channel EEG system (BIONIC France)
- 1 Cryothermostat (Julabo)



Our results

Projects examples

- IBM: Evaluation of stress at work and prevention of psychosocial risks
- ANR CONTINT: INGREDIBLE: cREDIBLE Gesture Interaction with virtual characters.
- ANR EMCO: COMPARSE: Psychological factors influence in emotional contexts upon cognitive, social and motor performances
- Contrat Institut Français du cheval et de l'équitation (IFCE) : Analysis of sensorimotor interactions within the horse/rider couple to analyze success factors during competition.
- Contrat AFLD/AMA : Effects of DHEA-taking on sports performances: possible action mechanisms and metabolic signature

Industrial and scientific relations

Scientific collaborations

- France: IFSTTAR, LIMSI, L2S, UVSQ, ENSTA-U2IS, Hopital Raymond Poincaré (Garches), Jean-Perrin Center (Clermont-Ferrand), INRA, UMR 1019, Université de Lille 2, Université de Lyon 1, Université de Nice Sophia Antipolis, IRBA Brétigny-sur-Orge, Espace du Souffle, CHRU Tours, Université de Paris Ouest Nanterre, Université de Tampon (Réunion).
- Europe: Université de Coimbra (Portugal), Université de Bangor (GB), Université de Elche, Université d'Alicante (Spain), Université de Ghent (Belgique), Università Degli Studi di Pavia (Italy).
- International: University de Montréal, Brown University, Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières (CAN),, Université du Québec en Outaouais (Canada)

Private collaborations

Contracts with federative partners and CIFRE thesis.


Establishments of affiliation