Chemistry - Materials
Complex systems and software engineering
Mobility and transport
The Systems Engineering Division
Research unit
The DIS is made of about 120 people which gathers together engineer and technicians groups involved in most of Irfu's projects. This division covers engineering design missions, development and implementation of instrumentation systems, as weel as development and implementation of control monitoring systems.
Innovation themes
- Digital
- Instrumentation, electronics, robotics and cobotics
- Complex systems and software engineering
- Modelling and simulation
- Mobility and transport
- Digital modelling, data visualisation, Human - Machine Interaction
- Interface, communicating system, ICT
- Chemistry - Materials
- Photonics - optical materials, application nanotechnology
- Industrial process engineering
- Embedded systems, critical systems
Route de l'Orme aux Merisiers
CEA - Saclay, Bâtiment 141
- studies and pre-projects design
- development and implementation of control systems
- electrical engineering studies and integration
- industrial relations
Applications sectors
- IT / software
- Biotechnology
- Other business
- Aeronautics / Aerospace
- Electronic / photonics
- Mechanics
Total number of employees
Number of researchers : 63
Valuation offer
- pilot radiotracer syringe
Projects examples
Industrial and scientific relations
Scientific collaborations
- France: TGIR (CERN, GANIL), CNES, institutes of CNRS (INSU and IN2P3)
- Europe: european intergovernmental organisations (CERN, ESA, ESO), european coordinations (APEC, NUPECC, ASTRONET), Germany (DESY, GSI), Spain (CIEMAT), Italy (INFN, ENEA)
- International: TGIR (FAIR, XFEL, IFMIF, ESO observatories, ESA spatial observatories), USA (FERMILAB, JLAB, Stanford and NASA), Canada (SNOLAB), Japan (KEK, JAEA et RIKEN), Israel (Soreq NRC, affiliated to IAEC)