• Complex systems and software engineering

The Electronics, Detectors and Computing Division

Research unit


The DEDIP, Electronics, Detectors and Computing Division, is one of the three technical divisions of Irfu. Its mission is to propose, design, realize and operate innovative and coherent solutions for the whole detection and data processing chain of scientific instruments used in Irfu experiments. The DEDIP is structured in nine laboratories providing a wide range of complementary skills covering the following domains: detectors physics, front-end electronics and microelectronics, real-time acquisition and data processing systems. It is more and more implied in data analysis and has reinforced its skills software engineering, events processing and display skills, becoming even more large and complex. Finally, the DEDIP also have authority to create value from its skills with other research or industrial actors, in particular in sociteal domains such as medical, arts...


  • Mr Eric DELAGNES

Innovation themes

Map and access

Route de l'Orme aux Merisiers
CEA - Saclay, Bâtiment 141

Our research areas


- physics and detector simulations, in particular detectors for rare events physics (Germanium bolometric detectors, spherical gaseous detectors, micromegas detectors for axions search), beam diagnoses (prontons and neutrons)...
- real-time systems, acquisition electronics and microelectronics
- software engineering for scientific applications
- cosmology, statistics and display

Applications sectors

  • IT / software
  • Biotechnology
  • Other business
  • Aeronautics / Aerospace
  • Electronic / photonics
  • Mechanics

Total number of employees

Total number of employees : 118
Number of researchers : 75
Number of doctoral students : 6

Equipment(s) open to collaboration

The DEDIP has numerous technologic platforms, of which:
- Micromegas FABLAB (workshop MPGD) for gaseous microstructured detectors production
- a mirror test platform (black roomde, 30m depth)
- a clean room including 30m2 ISO 8, 30m2 ISO 7 of which 5m2 ISO 5 under laminar flow, with a material airlock
- a 112 m2 ISO7 clean room CICLAD with material airlock and a wash station airlock, the last being used for the building of large size detector modules
- 3 big integration halls, one with a 65 m2 black room
- a semi-automatic welding machine and a 3D microscope camera, part of platform P2IO/CAPTINNOV (with the test machine under-probe located at LAL in ORSAY)
- a platform with 9 microelectronics (ASIC) design and simulation work stations
- a vacuum evaporation station for thin layer deposit (Aluminium, gold, CsI?)
- a cryogenic platform made of 2 cryostats allowing the test of elements down to 20mKelvin (bolometer Ge, NTD?)
- an optical measurement platform: spectrometry and photometry (VUV-IR), 3D optical metrological checking (10 microns)
- a muon telescope allowing to test detectors (spatial resolution, homogeneity?)
- vacuum chambers for detectors real-life testing: low pressure gaseous detector, silicon...


Our results

Valuation offer

- building of full detection systems (sensors, data display, electronic cards, asics)
- multi-stream video compression
- cards analysis
- in painting algorithm
- health instrumentation: contribution to the dévelopment of the ART instrument to enhance the PET-SCAN drivers performance for small animals and search for new radioactive plotter

Projects examples

The DEDIP is involved in about a hundred tranverse projects in the Institute http://irfu.cea.fr/Phocea/Vie_des_labos/Ast/index.php?aff=technique

Industrial and scientific relations

Scientific collaborations

- France: TGIR (CERN, GANIL), CNES, institutes of CNRS (INSU and IN2P3)
- Europe: european intergovernmental organisations (CERN, ESA, ESO), european coordinations (APEC, NUPECC, ASTRONET), Germany (DESY, GSI), Spain (CIEMAT), Italy (INFN, ENEA)
- International: TGIR (FAIR, XFEL, IFMIF, ESO observatories, ESA spatial observatories), USA (FERMILAB, JLAB, Stanford and NASA), Canada (SNOLAB), Japan (KEK, JAEA et RIKEN), Israel (Soreq NRC, affiliated to IAEC)

Private collaborations



Establishments of affiliation