• Social - Societal - Solidarity Innovation

Sociological Research Centre on Law and Criminal Institutions (CESDIP)

Research unit


The Sociological Research Centre on Law and Criminal Institutions (CESDIP) is a research laboratory attached to the UVSQ, the CNRS, the University of Cergy and the Ministry of Justice. Its research focuses on the sociology of justice and delinquency, according to 3 transversal themes:
- changes in criminal professions and institutions
- knowledge about crimes and deviances
- quantifying crimes and deviance phenomena.
The focus of the research lab is on criminal practices and policies, police organizations, minorities and discrimination, citizens and justice, as well as local partnerships and the territorialization of security issues.


  • Mr Jacques DE MAILLARD

Innovation themes

Map and access

43, boulevard Vauban
Immeuble Edison

Our research areas


- sociology of justice
- sociology of deviance
- sociology of delinquency
- prevention and safety policies
- security and urban life
- political science

Applications sectors

  • Other business
  • Administration / Public sector
  • Personal services / services to individuals

Total number of employees

Total number of employees : 35
Number of researchers : 10
Number of doctoral students : 17


Our results

Projects examples

- activities with GERN: "Assessing Deviance, Crime and Prevention in Europe (CrimPrev)", as part of the European funding of the 6th Framework Programme for Research and Development (FP6)
- bulletin "Questions pénales" distributed to journalists and actors in the judicial and police sectors.

Industrial and scientific relations

Scientific collaborations

- France: OSCJ (Observatoire Scientifique du Crime et de la Justice)
- Europe: GERN (European Research Group on Normativities)

Private collaborations

- Department of Justice
- National Archives: exhibition "All on file? »
- project on identity checks initiated by the Open Society Justice Initiative Foundation
- numerous institutional collaborations


Establishments of affiliation