• Aeronautics - Aerospace - Defence
  • Chemistry - Materials
  • Complex systems and software engineering

Plateforme de mesures NOVATECS : Magnétisme et magnétotransport sous 9 Tesla et jusqu'à 1000K

Technological platform


This versatile NOVATECS measurement platform brings together a 9T magnetic field environment (Quantum Design PPMS), 2K-1000K temperature control and specific options developed by GEMAC:
1) VMS magnetometry for small samples (10-6 emu) 2K-1000K
2) Hall effect and Magnetotransport 2K-400K with rotating sample, low and very high impedance 10GOhms
3) Photoconductivity 2K-400K
4) Low frequency voltage noise


  • Mr Yves DUMONT

Innovation themes

Lab of attachment

Map and access

45, avenue des Etats-Unis
UVSQ, campus des Sciences, Bâtiment Fermat

Formations offers

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