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Paris-Saclay Institute of Neuroscience
Research unit
The Paris-Saclay Neuroscience Institute (Neuro-PSI) was founded in 2015 with the aim of creating a real multidisciplinary research center in neuroscience, complementary to NeuroSpin (CEA Saclay campus) and which together form the NeuroSaclay to expand further in future years. The Neuro-PSI is divided into 3 departments in which 20 teams works on a variety of subjects covering all areas of neuroscience, ranging from the study of bird communication in noisy environments to the discovery of new therapeutics for human neuropathies . In addition, the Neuro-PSI benefits from a set of state-of-the-art technical platforms and heavy equipment shared within NeuroSaclay that offer it an international attractiveness and competitiveness.
Innovation themes
151 route de la Rotonde
Centre CEA Paris-Saclay, Bât. 151
91400 SACLAY
- genome editing
- acoustic communication and related societal processes
- neurogenetics
- synaptic plasticity, pre-synaptic receptors
- optogenetics, neuron-glia interactions
- integration of cognitive signals, emotional modulation
- integration of acoustic signals
- neurogenesis of respiratory function
- decision making and consequences
- neural stem cells
- learning and memory mechanisms
- protein aggregation and neurodegeneration
- retinal stem cells
- genetics and neural network of circadian rhythm
- neurotransmission
- hypothalamic resistance to insulin and leptin
Applications sectors
- IT / software
- Biotechnology
Equipment(s) open to collaboration
- plateform Circular Dichroism Acquisition : spectropolarimeter (J810, Jasco) with (Peltier) effect thermostat
- plateform TEFOR : microscopes coupled to vibratomes (Leica)
- plateform AMATRACE
- plateform Amphibians Transgenesis
- zootechnical service
- laundry and Preparation of Media service
- neuroanatomy-immunohistology service:
+ Cryostat, Microtome, Vibratome
+ Epiflorescence microscope
+ Confocal microscope Prototyping Service:
+ 3D Easy Up 120 Printer
+ LUREM Handset
+ CASENEUVE HBX360 tower equipped with a 2-axis display
+ ALCERA 753 milling machine equipped with a 3-axis display HEIDENEIM
+ Milling machine DUFOUR 260 equipped with a 3-axis display and a milling head ROL - ISEL GFV 4473