• Aeronautics - Aerospace - Defence
  • Complex systems and software engineering

PARADISE – DAp / AIM test facility

Technological platform


The instrumental platform of the AIM laboratory
laboratory allows the development and the integration
instruments for space observation in
science of the universe and more particularly in
astrophysics. It is part of the national GIS
PARADISE which groups together the main French
integration and testing facilities for
instrumentation in science of the universe. At
within this GIS, this platform proposes more specifically
specifically means and expertise
dedicated to the test and evaluation of optical detection chains
optical detection chains (detectors and electronics)
in a wide range of wavelengths
(sub-mm bolometers -> high energy). The
platform has several benches and cryostats for
and cryostats for characterization of detectors
in their operating environment.


  • Mr Benoit HOREAU

Innovation themes

Lab of attachment

Map and access

Route de l'Orme aux Merisiers
Bâtiment. 709, CEA Saclay

Formations offers

Offres de prestations


Establishments of affiliation

Graduate schools