• Chemistry - Materials
  • Complex systems and software engineering
  • Energy, Ecology, Environment
  • Quality of life - Health - Food

Molecular Science Institute of Orsay (ISMO)

Research unit


The Molecular Science institute of Orsay (ISMO) is known for its excellent research in molecular physics, nanosciences and biophysics. Their expertise rely mainly on three experimental approaches: the combination of optic lasers and mass spectrometer in order to study molecular spectroscopy and dynamic, atomic resolution local probe techniques, and confocal microscopy, combining theoretical and experimental research. The institute develops instruments and expertise leading to applications in scientific instrumentation and in the biomedical sector.


  • Mr Thomas PINO

Innovation themes

Map and access

Bâtiment 520, Faculté des Sciences, Université Paris - Saclay
91405 ORSAY

Our research areas


- spectroscopy of simple and complex biomolecules, molecular reactions' dynamic (biomolecular recognition mechanism), electron (attosecond) and nuclear (femtosecond to nanosecond) dynamic
- chemical reactivity
- surface molecules: nano-structuration, functionalization, reactivity
- nanostructures for molecular electronic, nano-optic, plasmonic
- biosystems: highly resolved microscopy, from tissue and cellular models to in vivo applications, photobiology and early diagnosis by optical path, biofilms and antibiotics resistance, transport and target of drugs, particle therapy

Applications sectors

  • Health / wellness
  • Electronic / photonics

Total number of employees

Total number of employees : 155
Number of researchers : 85
Number of doctoral students : 35

Equipment(s) open to collaboration

Lasers: nanosecond to femtosecond laser park, from IR to VUV, of high spectral and time resolution. The SELA platform of LUMAT federation is dedicated to spectroscopy and molecular dynamic studies.
Mecanic: numerical control machines
Cryogenics: cryostat with liquid He, STM with liquid He.
Vacuum techniques: ultravacuum tunnel equiped with a panoply of techniques for surface analysis.
High resolution Fourier Transform spectrometer
Mass spectrometer coupled to laser spectroscopy
Photoelectron spectroscopy
STM and AFM microscopy
Fluorescence microscopy, highly resolved microscopy
Devices on big instruments : MAIA, CIEL, (SOLEIL, ATTOLAB), IR platform on AILES line at SOLEIL
Carbonated material sources (Nanograins)


Our results

Valuation offer

Drug transportation
High resolution microscopy
Anti-bacterial processes and materials

Projects examples

Far IR spectroscopy of unstable molecules, from THz to sub-millimetric.
High resolution XUV laser.
Multitechnical ultra-vacuum tunnel for nanostructures and nano-objects characterization.
Vibrationnal dichroism
Highly resolved microscopy
Graphene and silicene
Plasmonic: theory and experience
Use of nanoparticles and particle therapy for improvement of anti-cancerous treatments: cage molecules, target
Optical diagnostics in medecine

Industrial and scientific relations

Scientific collaborations

France : Université Paris-Saclay, LPMC, Université Nice INRA (Jouy-en-Josas), INSP Paris 6, Soleil, OPT2X, CEA Saclay, LCPQ (Toulouse), LPCME (Nancy)
-Europe : Université de Liège (Belgium),
King's College (London), University of Genova (Italy)
University of Modena (Italy), Autonomous University of Madrid (Spain), Laserlab-Europe, Université Gottingen (Germany), Université de Vilnius (Lituania)
Université de Varsovie (Poland)

International :
RIKEN (Japan), MANA, NIMS, Tsukuba (Japan)
INIFTA (Argentina), Bariloche Atomic Centre (Argentina), Université F. Santa Maria (Chile), Université de Chile (Chile), Indian Institute of Science (India), Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research (India)

Private collaborations

-collaboration with several industrial companies and start-up: Michelin, VitaDX
- creation of Abbelight: start-up generated from the laboratory


Establishments of affiliation