MIMA2 / Plateau de microscopie électronique à transmission (MET)

Technological platform


The transmission electron microscopy platform within the MIMA2 platform (MIMA2-MET) has a set of equipment and techniques for studying biological objects (cells, tissues, microorganisms) from their general ultrastructure to the location of intra-cellular organelles. Proteins or biological nano-objects are observed after negative staining.
The intra-cellular localisation of proteins can be studied either by immunocytochemistry on cryo-cuts or by correlative microscopy analysis.
Thanks to its expertise, the platform offers either "turnkey" services or support and training to carry out your experiments from sample collection to image data interpretation.


  • Mrs Christine LONGIN

Lab of attachment

Map and access

Domaine de Vilvert

Formations offers

Offres de formations


Establishments of affiliation


  • Réseau des microscopies INRAE (RMUI)
  • Réseau d’Imagerie Cellulaire Paris-Saclay (RIC)
  • Réseau d’Imagerie et Microscopie Electronique (RIME)

Graduate schools