Complex systems and software engineering
Mathematics Laboratory of Versailles (LMV)
Research unit
The LMV is composed of 4 teams: Algebra-geometry, Analysis and partial differential equations, Cryptology and information security, Probability and statistics The laboratory is a member of the Jacques Hadamard Mathematical Foundation (FMJH), the LABEX Mathematics Hadamard (LMH). The IMOSE institute, led by LMV researchers, also offers consulting and expertise to companies in the modelling and optimisation of systems and energies, but also in artificial intelligence with the development of its own internal simulation tool.
Innovation themes
45, avenue des Etats-Unis
- algebraic geometry, complex and effective, singularities
- complex and positive representations
- number theory and arithmetic geometry.
- history of mathematics in the 19th and 20th centuries
Team Analysis and partial differential equations:
- numerical analysis, modelling, simulation
- control and reverse problems
- qualitative properties
- mathematics for physics
- asymmetric patterns
- security for secret key or public key protocols
- cryptanalysis
- cryptography and intensive computing
Team Probabilities and Statistics:
- discrete random structures
- random matrices
- random media
- statistical modelling
Applications sectors
- IT / software
- Other business
- Energy
- Defence
- Health / wellness
- Aeronautics / Aerospace
- Automotive industry
- Transportation / Logistics
- Other industry
- Personal services / services to individuals
- Business services
- Bank / Insurance / Finance
Total number of employees
Number of researchers : 41
Number of doctoral students : 23
Equipment(s) open to collaboration
Valuation offer
To effectively meet the needs of SMEs and industry in these areas, LMV has adopted a flexible and responsive structure called IMOSE, which specializes in the modelling and numerical simulation of complex systems.
Website: http://www.imose.fr/
Projects examples
3 ANR Projects
1 FUI project
1 European project H2020
Industrial and scientific relations
Scientific collaborations
- France: CEA, INRIA, ANSSI, French universities (Paris Sud, Paris 6, Grenoble, Toulouse, Lille, Rennes, ...)
- Europe: collaborations with universities in Germany, Belgium, Spain, United Kingdom, Greece, Switzerland,...
- International: Algeria, Canada, Chile, Brazil, Cuba, Japan, Tunisia, Spain, United States...
Private collaborations
- collaboration with many manufacturers
- collaboration with many VSEs/SMEs/Start'up