• Quality of life - Health - Food

Lipides, Systèmes analytiques et biologiques (Lip(Sys)²)

Research unit


The Lip(Sys)² is a research unit at the interface between biology, analytical chemistry and biochemistry that seeks to dissect the mechanisms of lipid homeostasis, in particular as regards lipids membranaires with applications in the fields of the atherosclerosis, the dermatology and the cosmetic. It also participates in anthropological projects in which it analyzes lipids from waxes, balms or ointments used by past civilizations. The unit is subdivided into three distinct groups: the atherosclerosis: homeostasis and trafficking of macrophages cholesterol team, the pharmaceutical analytical chemistry team and the LETIAM. Located on the site of the faculty of pharmacy, it benefits from the accessibility and expertise of the technical platforms of IPSIT. Its close connection with the European Hospital George Pompidou ensures a highly competitive translational research.


  • Mr Pierre CHAMINADE

Innovation themes

Map and access

17 Avenue des Sciences
Faculté de Pharmacie
91400 ORSAY

Our research areas


- lipidomics, lipidometry
- chemometrics, metrology and lipidometry - separation techniques
- cholesterol homeostasis
- trafficking of cellular lipids
- cardiovascular physiology and atherosclerosis
- composition, dynamics and structure of cell membranes
- spectrometry techniques

Applications sectors

  • Biotechnology
  • Health / wellness
  • Chemistry / Plastics (Glue, Plastic, Rubber...)
  • Materials (Metal, Glass, Ceramic, Composite...)
  • Cosmetics

Total number of employees

Number of researchers : 22
Number of doctoral students : 11

Equipment(s) open to collaboration

- liquid-phase chromatography
- two-dimensional gas chromatography
- liquid-phase chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry
- gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry
- NMR spectroscopy (BRUKER DRX Advance 200)
- FTIR spectroscopy
- capillary gas chromatography coupled to FID detectors


Our results

Projects examples

- Projet ANR n°ANR-12-JSV5-0003: Descriptors Qualitative and quantitative Raman of dry skin abnormalities

Industrial and scientific relations

Scientific collaborations

- France : CNRS, AP-HP, Soleil Synchrotron, Inserm, ESRF, AgroParisTech, INRA, University Paris Descartes, Ecole Vétérinaire de Maison Alfort, LRMH
- Europe: Switzerland
- International: United-States, Congo

Private collaborations

- collaboration with several major companies, SMEs and very small companies


Establishments of affiliation