Laboratoire d'informatique Parallélisme Réseaux Algorithmes Distribués (Li-PaRAD)
Research unit
Li-PARAD is the main research unit focusing on highly parallelized calculus in Ile-de-France. Among other things, it researches vehicular networks (via the VEDECOM project), user mobility within cellular networks (both 4G and 5G), and industry facing challenges (whether in health, energy of fluid dynamics for instance). Within those projects, Li-PARAD collaborates with the likes of CEA, Renault and Intel.
Innovation themes
45, avenue des Etats-Unis
- parallel/distributed algorithmics
- optimization and modelling
- vehicular networks
Applications sectors
- Networks / Telecom
- Automotive industry
Total number of employees
Number of doctoral students : 24
Projects examples
- COLOC project (2014-2017) : Bull, Dassault Aviation, Efield, Inria, FOI, Teratec, UVSQ, Scilab, 400 Ke
- MB3 project (2015-2018) : ARM, AVL, BSC, Bull, CNRS /LIRMM, ETH Zurich, Univ. Stuttgart, Univ. Gratz, Univ. Cantabria, UVSQ, 400 Ke
- Modèles IO project (2014-2017) : CEA DAM, UVSQ, 170 Ke
- ECR project : CEA DAM, Intel, UVSQ, 1,2 Me/year
- Participation in VEDECOM
Industrial and scientific relations
Scientific collaborations
- France : UPSud, Polytechnique, CEA
- International : Chalmers (Sweden) University of Illinois (US), Tsukuba (Japan)
Private collaborations
- collaboration with several companies