• Aeronautics - Aerospace - Defence
  • Complex systems and software engineering
  • Digital
  • Energy, Ecology, Environment
  • Mobility and transport

Institut de Recherche Technologique SystemX (IRT SystemX)

Collaborative structure


Created in 2012 as part of the investments for the future program, the Technological Research Institute (IRT) SystemX is positioned as an accelerator of the digital transformation of Industry, services and territories.
The institute brings together all the project partners in one place, thus creating a veritable melting pot of interactions between players in public and industrial research.

Research and technological platforms are organized into 4 scientific areas:
- data science and interaction
- system and software engineering
- scientific calculation and optimization
- infrastructures and networks.
These expertise are put to the service of its public and private partners, in the application areas of mobility and autonomous transport, the industry of the future, defense and security as well as the environment and sustainable development sector.


Innovation themes

Map and access

8, avenue de la Vauve
Centre d'intégration Nano-INNOV, Bâtiment N3

Our research areas


- data science and AI
- human-machine interaction
- scientific calculation
- optimization
- system engineering and software design
- operational safety
- digital security and blockchain
- IoT and network
- software and devops

Applications sectors

  • IT / software
  • Networks / Telecom
  • Energy
  • Defence
  • Aeronautics / Aerospace
  • Automotive industry
  • Agriculture
  • Education / Training
  • Mechanics
  • Shipbuilding industry
  • Automation, machinery / Robotics
  • Science / Research
  • Bank / Insurance / Finance
  • Railway industry

Total number of employees

Total number of employees : 150
Number of researchers : 110
Number of doctoral students : 31

Equipment(s) open to collaboration

Integration and federation of software components:
- BEST platform: creation and modeling of blockchain environment for the evaluation and simulation of use cases
- DCIDE platform: collaborative simulation and calculation platform for decision support
- MOST platform: modeling and simulation for the optimization and supervision of smart territories

Modeling and simulation of cyber-physical systems:
- CHESS platform: simulation and analysis for the evaluation of cyber security of system architectures
- Dr SiHMI platform: simulation and augmented reality for the evaluation of human-machine interaction
- MOSAR platform: evaluation of autonomous systems

Tooled methodologies and processes:
- FACTORY platform: methodological support and "as a service" infrastructure for the production, reuse and transfer of digital deliverables
- SMITE platform: Platform as a Service (PaaS) and integration architecture into components and services for the creation of software platforms.



Our results

Valuation offer

IRT SystemX offers three partnership models:

For companies, the BOOST offer, proof of concept:
- support an industrial partner wishing to test technological solutions on a specific use case and understand the interest for their business lines
- duration: 3 to 6 months
- result: Proof of Concept (POC) from bricks "on" shelf "or preexisting within the IRT

For companies and academics, the IMPROVE offer, collaborative research:
- consolidate innovation ecosystems through the conduct of collaborative R&D projects aimed at removing scientific and technological obstacles. These projects bring together collaborators from large groups, SMEs, IRT research engineers and academic players to place scientific excellence at the service of industrial challenges
- duration: 2 to 5 years
- result: major technological and scientific advances, production of patents, software and technological transfers

For academics, the ADVANCE offer, upstream research:
- federate the skills and excellence of academic partners around major scientific challenges
- duration: 3 years and more
- deployment of joint research initiatives, industrial chairs or doctoral programs (e.g. the BART research collective dedicated to Blockchain launched in 2018), coupling of patronage activities and collaborative R&D.


In addition, IRT SystemX launched the START @ SystemX initiative to give start-ups the opportunity to take advantage of its innovation dynamic by joining key accounts and partner technology suppliers to build the new services of tomorrow. : https://www.irt-systemx.fr/offre/startsystemx/

Projects examples

- Agility and Design Margins (AMC): Facilitate the implementation of agile processes in the design of complex systems based on digital simulation.
- Predictive Maintenance and Optimization (MPO): Optimize the maintenance policies of production systems based on predictive maintenance.
- Simulation for the Safety of Autonomous Vehicle Systems (3SA): Go further in the use of digital simulation to demonstrate the safety of the particular autonomous vehicle.
- Performance Assessment of Decision Systems based on Artificial Intelligence (PPE): assess and optimize the performance of AI-based decision systems in automotive and maritime transport systems https: //www.irt-systemx. en / projects / epi /
- Blockchain for Smart Transactions (BST): Demonstrate the uses and services made possible by the use of a third party.
- Paris-Saclay Energies (PSE): modeling the local energy system to meet the needs of territorial planning and energy management of buildings https://www.irt-systemx.fr/projets/pse/

Industrial and scientific relations

Scientific collaborations

- France: Inria, Paris-Saclay University, IP Paris, Gustave Eiffel University, Sorbonne University, UTC, UTT, ENPC, CEA List?
- Europe: AIT Wien, TU Delft, TUM,
- International: Representative office in Singapore - NTU, JARI Japan

Private collaborations

Airbus, Atos, Renault, PSA, Alstom, Thalès, EDF, Idnomic, Air Liquide, Safran, Naval Group, RATP, SNCF, Transdev, Ile de France Mobilité, Kisio, Nokia, Cosmotech, Faurecia,?


Establishments of affiliation