• Aeronautics - Aerospace - Defence
  • Chemistry - Materials
  • Complex systems and software engineering
  • Energy, Ecology, Environment
  • Quality of life - Health - Food

Institut d'Alembert (IDA)

Research unit


Working at the interface between physics, chemistry and biology, the D'Alembert Institute aims to contribute to the understanding of fundamental cellular mechanisms and their dysfunctions by using a combination of photonic and plasmonic effects, including developments in non-linear optics, multiphoton and time-resolved fluorescence imaging and nanophotonics. D'Alembert Institute is based on an integrated collaboration scheme between four research laboratories located at ENS Paris-Saclay. They are originally devoted to fundamental and applied research, respectively in physics (LPQM for more fundamental studies and SATIE for more system oriented ones), chemistry (PPSM) and life sciences (LBPA).


  • Mr Bruno LE PIOUFLE

Innovation themes

Map and access

ENS Paris Saclay Institut d'Alembert 4 avenue des sciences 91190 Gif sur Yvette
91190 Gif sur Yvette

Our research areas


- elucidation of fundamental phenomena in the field of cell biology and throughout understanding of molecular mechanisms underlying pathologies (cancer, VIH, neurodegenerative diseases...)
- development of new biological imaging methods with high spatial and temporal resolutions, molecular photonics
- design, development and characterization of molecular and biomolecular nanostructures for labelling (optical, magnetic...) of active biological entities
- design and development of new bio-microsystems for diagnostic, therapeutic or screening purposes

Applications sectors

  • IT / software
  • Networks / Telecom
  • Biotechnology
  • Energy
  • Health / wellness
  • Electronic / photonics
  • Chemistry / Plastics (Glue, Plastic, Rubber...)
  • Cosmetics

Total number of employees

Total number of employees : 80
Number of researchers : 50
Number of doctoral students : 30

Equipment(s) open to collaboration

Component and material characterization:
- 3D Goniometer (LASER micro-cavity)
- LOPA (direct etching via ultra low 1 photon absorption / original fabrication technique)
- measurement device for opto-fluidic characterization

Biophotonical imagery:
- time-resolved fluorescence
- time-resolved anisotropy
- fluorescence correlation spectroscopy
- confocal and multiphoton microscopies
- fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy
- PLEOM (Pockels linear electrooptical microscopy)

- optogenics sensors
- cell biochips

L3 level security platform for cell culture platfroms (viral vectors)

Component and material characterization http://www.ida.ens-cachan.fr/version-anglaise/platforms/characterisation-and-tests-materials-and-compounds/
(Bio)photonic imagery http://www.ida.ens-cachan.fr/version-anglaise/platforms/bio-photonic-imagery/
Microfluidic platform http://www.ida.ens-cachan.fr/version-anglaise/platforms/microfluidic-platform/
Clean room http://www.ida.ens-cachan.fr/version-anglaise/platforms/clean-room/
Cell Culture Platform http://www.ida.ens-cachan.fr/version-anglaise/platforms/cell-culture-platform/
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) http://www.ida.ens-cachan.fr/version-anglaise/platforms/nuclear-magnetic-resonance/


To be defined on a case-by-case basis depending of the nature of the expected collaboration by the company.


Our results

Projects examples

Industrial and scientific relations

Scientific collaborations

Institut Weizmann-Israël, Cambridge University-R.U., Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU)-Germany, LMU München-Germany, Université Polytechnique de Wroclaw-Poland etc.

Private collaborations

- 4 SME : Aenitis Technologies, BioPredict INT'L, Scienion SAS, Poietis BioTech Company


Establishments of affiliation