• Quality of life - Health - Food

I2BC / Protéomique-Gif (Service d'identification et de caractérisation des protéines par spectrométrie de masse, SICaPS)

Technological platform


The Proteomics-Gif (SICaPS) platform, labelled IBiSA, is open to the entire scientific community.
The platform offers state-of-the-art proteomics methodologies and mass spectrometry technologies to identify, characterise and quantify proteins and some of their modifications from more or less complex samples. State-of-the-art technology allows the identification and relative quantification of low abundance proteins in highly complex protein samples. Adapted analytical methods allow the characterisation of co-, post-translational or chemical modifications of proteins (phosphorylations, lipids, covalent bridging).
The platform has solid expertise in the preparation of various types of protein samples, their analysis by mass spectrometry and data processing. It optimises and develops analytical methods in response to user needs.
The platform offers a variety of services in the form of
- standard: sample preparation, exact mass measurements, protein identification, quality control of recombinant proteins
- collaborative: relative quantification of proteins, in-depth comparisons of proteomes, interactomes, characterisation of structural determinants and protein modifications.


  • Mrs Virginie REDEKER

Innovation themes

Lab of attachment

Map and access

Avenue de la Terrasse
I2BC, site de Gif-sur-Yvette

Formations offers

Offres de formations




Graduate schools
