• Quality of life - Health - Food

I2BC / Plateforme de spectroscopies électroniques

Technological platform


The Electronic Spectroscopy platform (Institute for Integrative Cell Biology - I2BC) offers its services applied to biomolecules to French and international research teams. We are able to follow spectroscopic changes at the protein level in intact cells.
The platform is equipped with several absorption and fluorescence spectrometers (including a number of specialised PAM spectrometers) as well as thermoluminescence spectrometers. For some configurations, cryostats are available for low temperature studies, down to 77K or 4K.
The platform has developed (and continues to improve) a unique time-resolved optical spectroscopy setup (ca. 300 ps), surpassing conventional (commercial) setups in sensitivity and time resolution. This type of methodology is particularly crucial for the elucidation of irreversible processes and/or processes that occur in time windows ranging from a few hundred picoseconds to tens of nanoseconds, where conventional arrays perform poorly or cannot be used at all.
This platform is part of the I2BC Biophysics Platforms cluster, which includes RPE, FTIR, Raman Resonance, Electron Spectroscopy and Super-Resolution Fluorescence Microscopy platforms.


Innovation themes

Lab of attachment

Map and access

I2BC, site de Saclay, CEA Paris-Saclay

Formations offers

Offres de formations




Graduate schools
