Complex systems and software engineering
Quality of life - Health - Food
I2BC / Plateforme de microscopie de fluorescence à super-résolution
Technological platform
The platform is dedicated to super-resolution imaging of biological samples. Samples are placed between a sandwich of glass coverslips which is then inserted into the sample holder of a laser scanning microscope. The emitted fluorescence is captured by an EMCCD camera. Our standard excitation wavelengths are 405, 488 and 561 nm, however other wavelengths are available.
This platform is part of the I2BC Biophysics Platforms cluster which includes RPE, FTIR, Raman Resonance, Electron Spectroscopy and Super-Resolution Fluorescence Microscopy platforms.
Innovation themes
Lab of attachment
CEA/DRF/JOLIOT CEA Centre de Saclay I2BC@SACLAY SB2SM and I2BC (UMR 9198) 91191 Gif-sur-Yvette