Quality of life - Health - Food
I2BC / Plateforme de mesures d'Interactions Macromoléculaires (PIM)
Technological platform
The I2BC's Macromolecular Interaction Measurement Platform (MIP) offers a wide range of equipment and expertise in biochemistry and biophysics to perform quality control measurements and functional analysis of protein samples: microcalorimetry, analytical ultracentrifugation (UCA), MST, SEC-MALS, SPR, Switch Sense The services offered by the platform concern: 1) Biophysical characterisation of proteins or biological complexes (SEC-MALS, UCA), 2) Analysis of biological interactions (ITC, SwitchSense, MST), 3) Analysis of the stability of macromolecules and biological complexes, including formulation assistance (DSC, DSF, Tycho). The equipment is made available to all the laboratories of the University of Paris-Saclay, other academic laboratories and to industry.
For more information about these services: https://gipsi.i2bc.paris-saclay.fr
This platform is part of the Structural Biology platforms cluster of the I2BC which includes: i) the platforms of Crystallization, NMR, CryoEM, Macromolecular Interaction Measurements, and ii) the technical platforms of Soluble or Membrane Protein Expression in Yeast, Protein Expression in Insect Cells and Structural Bioinformatics.
New activity developed within the platform:
The platform proposes the generation and production of artificial proteins (alphaRep) that bind with high affinity and specificity to any chosen target protein. These artificial proteins are moreover very stable, and easily modified (fusion, dimerisation, incorporation of fluorophores, tracers etc.). The conditions of the service depend on the target protein (supplied or not) and must allow the financing of the labour and reagents/materials used for these projects.
For more information on these services: philippe.minard@i2bc.paris-saclay.fr
- Mrs Stéphanie MARSIN
- Mrs Magali NOIRAY
Innovation themes
Lab of attachment
I2BC - UMR9198
Avenue de la terrasse
bâtiment 24
I2BC, site d'Orsay, Faculté des Sciences de Paris-Sud
91190 Gif sur yvette