Aeronautics - Aerospace - Defence
Chemistry - Materials
Complex systems and software engineering
Groupe d'Etude de la Matière Condensée (GEMAC)
Research unit
GEMAC was born out of the fusion of 2 labs studying condensed matter physics : Laboratoire de Magnétisme et d'Optique de Versailles (LMOV) and Laboratoire de Physique des Solides et de Cristallogenèse (LPSC), which occurred in 2006. Nowadays, GEMAC is located on a single site in Versailles.
Its research activities are focusedon the physics and material science of materials such as large gap semiconductors, functional magnetic oxydes, molecular materials and the optics of nanometric systems. To make this research possible, GEMAC has advanced capabilities in thin film deposition, nano-objects and heterostructure synthesis.
Innovation themes
45, avenue des Etats-Unis
- nanostructured large gap semiconductors and new functions
- functional magnetic oxydes for spintronics and infromation treatment
- optics at the nanometric scale : plasmon resonance and individual nano-object
- physics of commutation in molecular materials
Applications sectors
- Electronic / photonics
- Materials (Metal, Glass, Ceramic, Composite...)
Total number of employees
Number of researchers : 19
Number of doctoral students : 11
Equipment(s) open to collaboration
- state of the art physics : near-field microscopy, transport measurements, spectroscopic measurements
- mass spectrometer of secondary ion (SIMS)
- material creation equipment
- structural, chemical measurements and material composition
- magnetic and magneto-optic measurements
- optical measurements and spectrometry
- mesures électriques et magneto-transport
- optical, electronic and near field microscopy
- Novatech regional platform : Physical Property Measurement System (PPMS)
- instruments conception
Valuation offer
- patent : Hall-effect plasma thruster (WO 2004007957 A2) https://www.google.com.ar/patents/WO2004007957A2?cl=en
Industrial and scientific relations
Scientific collaborations
LPEM-ESPCI, Laboratoire Kastler-Brossel (LKB), Institut Lavoisier
- Europe : Magmanet, University of Dortmund - Germany Nal. Nanotech Lab. Lecce - Italy
- International : University of Tokyo, Naval Research Laboratory-USA, Warsaw University, Physics Departments, Poland Physics Department, Seoul National University, Korea, Tyndall National Institute-University College Cork, Irlande, Exact and Natural Science Department, Tbilisi State University, Georgia
Private collaborations
- collaboration with multiple french and international industrial partners