Quality of life - Health - Food
GENOPOLE / Plate-forme de Biologie stucturale
Technological platform
The structural biology platform offers state-of-the-art equipment and associated expertise in NMR spectroscopy and atomic force microscopy. Concerning NMR spectroscopy, the fields of activity are on the one hand the analysis of the structure of proteins in solution, their folding, their stability and their dynamics in solution, and on the other hand the analysis of ligand-protein, protein-protein and protein-nucleic acid interactions. Concerning atomic force microscopy, the fields of activity are the characterization of biological objects at the nanometric scale, the observation of single molecules (DNA or proteins) in air or in liquid medium, and the study of the formation of DNA-ligand, protein-protein and microtubule-partner complexes. Finally, part of the platform's activity concerns the modeling of molecular dynamics. The Structural Biology platform is part of the national infrastructure FRISBI.
Innovation themes
Lab of attachment
5, rue Henri Desbruères
91030 ÉVRY