• Quality of life - Health - Food


Research unit


GenHotel's goal is to clarify the multifactorial determinism of rheumatoid arthritis. In this context, research activities focus on characterization of sequencing, structural and expression variants from genomic data of patients and their families. Interaction between risk factors is also investigated.

We also develop a computational systems biology approach with the reconstruction of a disease-specific interaction network by integrating small scale and multi-omic data, and the automatic inference of a large scale boolean model in order to perform dynamical studies and in silico simulations.

The final purpose is to contribute to new drug target development, with a view to prevent and cure this disease. The research methodology will be extended to other diseases having a major impact on public health, through national and international collaborations.


  • Mrs Élisabeth PETIT-TEIXEIRA

Innovation themes

Map and access

2, rue Gaston Crémieux
Genopole d'Evry
91057 ÉVRY

Our research areas


-in silico simulations
-rheumatoid arthritis
-multifactorial diseases
-human genetics and genomics
-computational systems biology
-logical modeling (Boolean models

Applications sectors

  • Biotechnology
  • Health / wellness

Total number of employees

Total number of employees : 8
Number of researchers : 6
Number of doctoral students : 3

Equipment(s) open to collaboration

Digital droplet PCR


Our results

Valuation offer

Know-how: digital PCR, statistics in genetics, construction of disease maps (SBGN), logical modelling of cellular networks

Projects examples

-large scale logical modelling
-RA interactive knowledge-base
-characterization of an expression profile specific of pre-RA
-identification of rare variants specific of RA by WES and WGS analyses
-automatic pipeline for the inference of boolean networks from molecular maps

Industrial and scientific relations

Scientific collaborations

- France: CNRGH, IFJ-CEA, Evry, CHSF Corbeil, CHU Clermont-Ferrand, LaMME, UMR8071 CNRS, Evry University
INRIA Lifeware team, ENS Paris, Institut Curie, EISBM Lyon, Lille University
- Europe: Luxembourg Center of Systems Biomedicine
- International: HU Geneva (Switzerland)
University of Nebraska-Lincoln (USA), Weill Cornel Medical College, NY, USA, MRC Cancer Unit ? University of Cambridge
Disease maps consortium, CoLoMoTo (Consortium for logical models and tools)


Establishments of affiliation