• Complex systems and software engineering
  • Mobility and transport

ISMO / Détection: Temps-Position-Image (DTPI)

Technological platform


The DTPI is a technology platform belonging to the Orsay Institute of Molecular Sciences. It specialises in the development of electronic instrumentation systems to meet the needs of the scientific community in France (ISMO, LCF, Soleil, etc.), but also internationally (University of Florida FIU, Texas A&M University, etc.). Its main focus is the development of time measurement systems (TDC). In addition, the DTPI is involved in development projects with industrial partners, including Orsay Physics, as well as in the training of apprentices..


  • Mr David HEURTEAU

Innovation themes

Lab of attachment

Map and access

Université Paris-Sud, bat. 520
91400 ORSAY

Formations offers

Offres de prestations


Establishments of affiliation

Graduate schools