• Chemistry - Materials
  • Complex systems and software engineering

CASSIOPEE (Combined Angular- and Spin-resolved SpectroscopIes Of PhotoEmitted Electrons)

Technological platform


CASSIOPEE is one of the light lines of the SOLEIL synchrotron, dedicated to photoemission spectroscopy experiments in the photon energy range from 8 to 1500 eV. CASSIOPEE has an angular photoemission device (ARPES), a spin-resolved photoemission device (SRPES) and a molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) chamber for in situ thin film growth.


  • Mr François BERTRAN
  • Mr Patrick LE FÈVRE

Innovation themes

Map and access

Route de l'Orme aux Merisiers
Saint-Aubin BP 48

Formations offers

Offres de formations


Establishments of affiliation

Graduate schools