Chemistry - Materials
Complex systems and software engineering
ALIENOR (Accélérateur LInéaire d'Electrons NanOseconde pour l'étude de la Radiolyse)
Technological platform
ALIENOR generates pulsed electrons of 10 MeV. The pulse duration can be set from 10 ns to 200 ns, and the beam area is 1 cm2. The dose per pulse is approximately 20 Gy (1 Gy = 1 J.kg-1) for a pulse duration of 10 ns. The pulse frequency can vary from 1 to 10 Hz. The advantages of using this platform are as follows: i) The 10 MeV electrons are penetrating (the probed volume is of the order of cm3 ). Therefore, the changes of the sample after irradiation can be probed by many techniques (gas measurements, spectroscopies ...), the sample environment can be instrumented (study at different temperatures or pressures ...), complex experiments can be set up, ii) the sample is not activated and iii) it is possible to reach high doses in a short time, which allows a better understanding of the evolution of the sample with the irradiation
- Mrs Sophie LE CAER
Innovation themes
Lab of attachment
CEA Saclay Laboratoire de Radiolyse, Bâtiment. 546