• Chemistry - Materials
  • Complex systems and software engineering

Accelerators, Cryogenics and Magnetism Division (DACM)

Research unit


The DACM, Accelerators, Cryogenics and Magnetism Division, is part of the Institute of Research into the Fundamental Laws of the Universe (Irfu) of the Matter Science Division of the CEA. DACM conducts advanced research and development in the field of particle accelerators, cryogenic systems and superconducting magnets for fundamental research (LHC, Spiral2, Fair...). It collaborates with many international academic and socio-economic partners. Its know-how enhances its knowledge in related fields such as energy, life sciences, and light sources (Sun and Xfel).


  • Mr Pierre VEDRINE

Innovation themes

Map and access

Route de l'Orme aux Merisiers
CEA - Saclay, Bâtiment 141

Our research areas


- high intensity linear ion accelerators
- linear electron and positrons accelerators
- superconducting magnets for research
- cryogenics
- development for the future accelerators
- developments for the future magnets

Applications sectors

  • IT / software
  • Other business
  • Energy
  • Mechanics
  • Materials (Metal, Glass, Ceramic, Composite...)

Total number of employees

Total number of employees : 130
Number of researchers : 75
Number of doctoral students : 7

Equipment(s) open to collaboration

- superconducting magnets and large components stations
- test stations under magnetic field
- superconducting cavity test stations and its equipment
- cold characterization stations


Our results

Valuation offer

- study of materials for thermonuclear fusion (Ifmif project)
- qualification of Japanese Tokamak coils JT-60SA
- development of a high-field magnetic resonance imaging device for Neurospin, Iseult
- development of high-field magnets at the LHC

Projects examples

The DACM is involved in about 30 international projects http://irfu.cea.fr/Sphn/Phocea/Vie_des_labos/Ast/index.php?aff=technique

Industrial and scientific relations

Scientific collaborations

- France: TGIR (CERN, GANIL), CNES, institutes of CNRS (INSU and IN2P3)
- Europe: european intergovernmental organisations (CERN, ESA, ESO), european coordinations (APEC, NUPECC, ASTRONET), Germany (DESY, GSI), Spain (CIEMAT), Italy (INFN, ENEA)
- International: TGIR (FAIR, XFEL, IFMIF, ESO observatories, ESA spatial observatories), USA (FERMILAB, JLAB, Stanford and NASA), Canada (SNOLAB), Japan (KEK, JAEA et RIKEN), Israel (Soreq NRC, affiliated to IAEC)


Establishments of affiliation